Global Momenta Giving Special:  Ask about special packages for giving success!

Concierge Philanthropy Advisory Services

  • inter-generational and family philanthropic planning, legacy, succession
  • development of inspired giving vision and social engagement strategy
  • facilitation of high-level meetings for family, allied giving or investment partners
  • research on sector, issue, organization or company due diligence
  • wealth management and family office support of impact investment strategies
  • guidance for structure, review and deployment of donor-advised funds, effective grant-making, Program Related Investments, or corporate giving programs
  • social (philanthropic and/or impact) portfolio review, design, oversight
  • monitoring measurable social returns on investments (SROI)
  • compliance support & reporting (B-Corps, GIIRS, IRIS, etc.)

Social Impact Strategy, Assessment, & Partnerships

  • impact assessment audits for philanthropic innovation and social capital initiatives
  • capacity building and business development for social ventures
  • private and social sector partnership building
  • professional mentorship & volunteer opportunities with social sector
  • facilitation of high-level meetings & networking events, round tables, conferences
  • corporate social responsibility program development, strategy, & integration
  • employee engagement and matched giving program guidance and support

Leadership Development

  • Values In Action (VIA): leadership framework guided by Core Compass points: Inspiration, Intention, Integrity and Impact. VIA offers immersive expeditions, transformational leadership facilitation, training, workshops, coaching, and keynotes.
  • Executive Coaching: Global Momenta accepts a limited number of select clients for executive coaching & customized C-Suite leadership development.